To borrow from a Coldplay track, 'Lights will guide you
Sometimes the darkness seems overpowering. So much so that
you just give in and become one with it. And then, just when it threatens to
break you, the light you always look forward to comes on, seemingly at a
distance. The beacon of light, of hope, of everything you need to see. It
doesn't always appear, and never always as bright. It decides to show itself
for only a moment, just as all hope seems to be falling to its knees.
When there are more downs than ups. When each good day of
the year has a shadow lurking over it. When you can smile outside but be broken
inside, that's when the beacon always comes into view. You have to close your
eyes to see it. For it isn't meant to be found, only seen. Maybe. Maybe that's
not even what it is.
Maybe it's just your soul playing tricks on you. The
horse-and-carrot trick. It makes darkness play the Mirror of Erisid. Show you
your deepest desires that you may once more realign body and soul to work in
the direction it was supposed to keep heading in. "Don't give up," it
said. "Keep going", it said. There's your destination, glowing in the
flickering wisp of hope that chose to show itself. And, what do you do? You head
towards it, of course. That's what it's there for. That's what you've always
dreamed of. Or have you?
And when you reach it, embrace it, and get set to become
comfortable. You see the path. Not entirely, but you do. So this was just a checkpoint?
Refuel. Reload.