It started out with one road. Step by step. Just one long, lonely road. Lonely, not because of the company I had, but because there was no other road beside it.
I walked and walked. Years went by. Till I finally came to a fork. Ways parted, and now I felt lonely. Because I had no company from those whom I had known all this while, but a few, who walked on the same road behind me, and those who walked with me, on different roads. No one knew who would end up where. Well, some did, and some didn't.
On and on the roads seemed to go. It's a never ending path, this path I've chosen. It gets wider, deeper and darker, and then it finally branches out, but everyone's still in the same corn field.
Some go in circles, for so many roads lead around and around. Bushes all over the place. Some jump to look ahead, while some jump to look around. Few look back. And while going round and round, some see the light, some see another path. Some, nothing, but they've got so used to walking in circles, it leaves little choice.
Zoom out and the big picture seems drawn. It spawns thoughts that otherwise would not have been realised. It beckons us to see, give, surrender entirely to a possibility we'd never considered before. We see things, and then we start to believe in them. Till one day, our beliefs take a turn and transform into reality. The power of imagination. And that of love, and of hope, shall see us through. There is a world out there not as it exists, but as it is created. It would not be the way it is, had everyone, just 1 second ago, stopped and spared a thought for the action they were about to perform. Good, bad, ugly or sad. Heaven and hell are all on Earth. I was so told. I believe. I believe because of the source. Sometimes, you have no choice but to believe, because some make it so evident, you can help but. Sometimes, it seems difficult no end, yet sometimes, it seems so easy. What we make is our decision, what we create is our world.
I don't say I've seen the light. But I believe I have found some light. Should others choose to see it, I am sure, it would lead to a better time. There is much to learn from everyday, whether we choose to be reminiscent is again our choice, and ours alone. Make no mistake, I dwell not on the past, but choose to learn, review and make right.
We choose our paths once, and stay on our line. We can choose to jump across, but what we have walked, remains our trodden path. That will never change. I know I will not end up going around in circles. Because I will walk my path. I will jump across whenever and wherever required. I will adapt my steps to suit the terrain. But, like time, there is only one way. Forward. Every second spent, if accounted for, make you aware of so much. There is no wasted second, if you realise it was one wasted; and never let it pass the same way again. Some lessons take years to learn. Even longer to adapt and follow. But, some take mere seconds, or sometimes, just one.
There are faces that you encounter, some you don't, but still see in your mind's eye. And then, one day, they enter your reality. And life is good. Walk the paths. Walk around in circles. Learn. Till you face your reality. And then embrace it. What you are now, is not what you will be, or maybe not. The choice is yours. Life gives us choices, but not reasons. The latter is up to us to find out. We can choose to do so, or not.
All I know is, I choose to believe. People say I think too much. But, in fact, I hope more so. For when I am at the point of casting aside belief, hope grants an extension. And my mind's eye has a new face. For once, it was reality that took a hold of my imagination. And I am happy to say that I am truly happy. Life always strikes a balance. For without the bad, you would not tell the good apart. As long you have your good and bad, life will never come crashing down.
For those who think of the picture as a random image which means nothing, know this. My thoughts expressed here were based entirely on it. An expression need not be "art" to the eyes of everyone.
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