Happy thoughts are seldom thought of when you're happy. It's when you're all down, depressed and stuck in a hole that you try to think happy things with the hope that it'll make you feel a little better. But it only makes things worse. And the last thing to do would be to think of something sad, cos that will only makes things even worse than they already are.
However, certain things, call me materialistic or whatever, but sometimes, they do help. Watermelon. Green Peas and Chocolate. They really do it for me. No matter how sad I am, the sight of a big, red, juicy watermelon makes me smile, from the bottom of my heart; and it makes me thank God that there is something so wonderfully refreshing in existence, especially to help in times where you almost wanna kill yourself.
Passion. It can be rocks, stamps, small cars, multimillion dollar cars, or spacecraft. Whatever helps you focus on what truly makes you happy. Of course, that depends on your will to create. Sadists and the like won't get any of this. In times of my deepest grief, my ears stand to attention at the shriek of a multi-cylinder motorcycle speeding past at 9000rpm, or a sportscar doing almost the same thing. Never fails to grab my attention and capture my mindspace, for a good while. In fact, sometimes, it's so much so, I thank God for V8s and then wonder why I was sad in the first place. It helps.
Music. Another very effective method. Choosing the right track is critical in deciding if you feel better or worse. Listening to an Opeth or Alice in Chains solo in the middle of one their songs for instance will sadden you, then get you all welled up by the time you reach the solo. It is difficult to play a happy song when you're sad, I know it is. But then again, a few songs later, you're like, that's it. Enough. No more. Throw on some Cannibal Corpse, Slayer or Metallica (or whatever bangs your head) and get moving.
Note, alcohol is not on this list. Watermelon. Try it.

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