Monday, September 28, 2015


A bird with a voice meant to sing
instead softly weeps from a cage...

A mother meant to kiss her son's forehead
instead kisses a framed photograph, enraged...

A hand meant to lovingly hold
instead wipes tears from eyes meant to look into another's...

We, who are here to peacefully live

instead take away from the life of others.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The 95 per cent

The rule of 95%. It's funny how you realise some things when you turn around to reach for your phone. 

A phone that's charging on a wire just short of perfect length. That's how it is with the world, everything we buy, everything that is 'made' for 'people'. It's never exactly enough. Things always come up short, but just that little bit.

Have you noticed that the phone charging cable is always 5% too short? Well, for most of us. Especially the new crop of phones. Turns out my old phone had a charging cable close to twice as long, but the phone itself was 50% less capable, let alone 5%.

It's the case with everything. You can't have something perfect. There's a compromise. Your car may have Bluetooth, fancy LED lighting, but pathetic attention to detail in terms of safety could cost you when you least expect it. Good head-restraints and safety belts are what will save you in the event of something as 'petty' as a 30 km/h rear-end impact; not those fancy lights.

Television sets, audio systems - there's always something missing. And, it's not that you can't have the extra, you can, only it will cost you, and rather dearly. That's where the money comes in.

Some metaphors you can get lost in and lose track of reality.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Old-school has a charm of a different kind. Yes, the new may seem exciting and bring a different kind of freshness to a world where appearance rules and souls aren't really seen. Sometimes, not until it's too late. The world will see many new and different kinds of everything come and go. There will always be takers. Temporary as it may be. Holding on only until the novelty wears off.

Then there are those who choose the 288 GTO and F40 over the LaFerrari and FXX-K. It's not about cars. It's about choice. Choose the soul over appearance, and you can't go wrong. It'll be classic.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Mutual Understanding

The heart wants what it wants. Sometimes, there is a strong pull, you don't know why. There just is. And then, slowly, you get familiar and you want more. Sometimes, you do get more, but, as I have seen, not always. Maybe, not at all. And that's when it hurts. You're ready to give, and you give. All you have. But, when it's not needed, wanted. It isn't appreciated. Often, not acknowledged either.

There are alternatives, yes; a solution even. With the right one, the respect is mutual. Furthermore, the understanding is even more so, and infinitely more rewarding.

That's the thing with turbos. They. Will. Give. Boost. You push it right, you stay in control, don't overdo anything and there will be a response just as you expect, as you enjoy. It will always be sweet. It will be fast, exciting and will, sometimes, leave you with tears of joy. It's all about understanding. You understand them. They understand you. Turbochargers. Mutual understanding.

So much to learn. So much to give. So much.