Friday, January 16, 2009

Dead Wait...

I'm tired of the air I breathe
for a change I lay in wait...
A tired heart
I see the world through...
I wish to end it all...
I'm cornered,
up against a wall...
Even deciding to drown myself...
I move, fearing my last step,
I take the plunge, deep within...
Only to find out
I breathe what I'm supposed to be drowning in...

1 comment:

Abhi... said...

Very dark...very very dark...if ur cornered...come out fighting buddy... there's always a way out... a secret passage way waiting in that book shelf... u just gotta pull the right book...then with a dash of jinkies and a bit of swoiks and a jeepers here and there and a Raggy!! thrown in one o those meddling kids that don't let those bad guys get away with things...:) moral of the story... pull the masks of the bad... save the day for urself..and go pig out with a me when ur ready...:)