Monday, November 4, 2013

Counting Stars

It takes a lot or very little to make someone happy. And there are times when a lot of small or medium-sized things add up and make a huge difference. That's quite cliché yes, but how many actually realise when that happens to them? If you do take the time to count the stars, you'll begin to realise just how many of them there are.

When a month goes by where you inevitably realise just what all it is that you have been blessed with, and then handed even more once-dreams and the responsibilities which come with them; it's a feeling which combines the essence of joy, satisfaction, contentment, excitement and gratitude. As I turn another page, nay,a chapter, I find myself looking just a little bit further, with a view set to encompass not just plain sight, but the bits I would hope to uncover as well. Whatever the possibilities ahead, I want to at least know of their existence. Mario's 1-up mushroom never had a visible hiding place; you would just have to jump free and bump your head into somewhere you thought there was absolutely nothing.

In the last six or seven weeks, the people I've met, the places I've seen, the experiences I've enjoyed and the absolute awesomeness of the sets of wheels I've been given a shot at have been astounding. I thank my stars, my heavens or insert word of choice here that these steps were mine to take, sample and enjoy.

It's not everyday you make new friends and drive 3, 4, 6 and 8-cylinder engined creations in the span of a few hours. Glorious indeed.

And now, contrary to my last post. I find out first hand that some singles are better off than many pairs.

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars." ~Og Mandino (Thank you, Cressida.)

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